About Me

Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn’t matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.

— Richard Feynman

Since I was very little, I have always been a curious person interested in Science, Technology, History, and many other subjects.

Right now, I am living in Lower Silesia, Poland, with my family until the bureaucracy aligns, and we can move back to the United States.

In October of 2021, a close friend and I decided to head down to St. Augustine, Florida, and purchase Kayaking St. Augustine.

I’ve been working for Food Warming Equipment on and off since they took me in as an IT intern during my sophomore year of high school.

In the little free time I have, I enjoy working on my homelab, getting in some workouts, and exploring new things.

Linux has been my platform of choice for all my computing needs ever since I made a project on it, during the 5th grade.

As for programming, Go is currently my favorite. But truth be told, I often find myself writing Windows and Linux scripts or working on some PHP code.

On the language-learning front, I’ve been learning Polish for the past year.
“Mówię trochę po polsku” (I speak a little Polish), it’s a very challenging language for a native english speaker.